Purchase DVDs for Individual or Home Use
Thank you for your interest in our film. Due to different distribution contracts and licensing, DVDs are available from different sources.
Note: If you are an NGO, community organization or individual working to address environmental sustainability, environmental justice, human rights, and grassroots empowerment in your own community outside of the U.S., you may be eligible to use the film at no charge. Learn how to TAKE ACTION and organize in your community.

- 80-minute feature with closed captions
- 53-minute broadcast version with closed captions
- and many extras (see below)
Taking Root: The Vision of Wangari Maathai
Home Use DVD
For ALL orders EXCEPT those from CANADIAN customers:
See Important Ordering Notes
Allow 2-4 weeks for shipping.
For CANADIAN customers: Contact Marlboro Productions directly takingrootfilm@gmail.com
DVD Extras:
- Conditions on the Land [1:34]
- Wangari in the Indigenous Aberdare Forest [10:23]
- Culture and Colonialism [7:35]
- The Fig Tree and Praying for Rain [0:40]
- Mau Mau [3:56]
- The Years of Fear [5:28]
- The Green Belt Movement
- Programs and Goals [0:44]
- Environmental Conservation and Tree Planting
[10:34] - Civic and Environmental Education Workshops
(CEE) [7:06] - Food Security: CEE Workshop [4:14]
- The “Hut Tax”: CEE Workshop [3:03]
- Women for Change [8:01]
- The Kahuro Market Story [2:48]
- The Karura Forest Protests [6:13]
- Wangari: The Early Years [6:10]
- Wangari: “A Strong African Woman,” from a BBC
interview [4:49] - Wangari: The Hummingbird Story [2:31]
- The Nobel Peace Prize [4:41]
ISBN: 978-1-57448-237-9 www.takingrootfilm.com
More Information about Home Use Orders for U.S. Customers
*Canadian customers see order button above.
U. S. Orders
- Each DVD is $29.95
- Allow 2-4 weeks for shipping
- Credit cards will be handled by PayPal
- Vermont residents will be charged 6% sales tax.
- $6 shipping/handling for up to 3 DVDs, $10 for up to 8 DVDs, $12 for up to 15 DVDs, $18 for
16-20 DVDs per order. - For more than 20 copies, contact Marlboro Productions directly takingrootfilm@gmail.com
- 80-minute and 53-minute versions fully closed captioned
Ordering by Check
To order by check or money order, please send payment along with your name, address, and email and specifics of order. Add shipping and tax as outlined above. Your check or money order payable to “Green Belt Film Project” must be issued in U.S. dollars. Call 802-257-0743 if you have questions.
Please mail to:
Marlboro Productions
P.O. Box 96
Marlboro, Vermont 05344
International Orders Except Canada*
- Checks and money orders MUST be issued in U.S. dollars
- DVD currently offered in English – please see “International Edition DVDs” for other languages.
- DVD will play universally on newer-model machines only
- Shipping/handling rates: $15 for up to 3, $25 for up to 8, $30 for up to 15 and $35 for 16-20 copies.
Visit MarlboroProductions.com for other films by Lisa Merton and Alan Dater