The Vision of Wangari Maathai, a film by Lisa Merton and Alan Dater

FREE streaming for EARTH DAY and beyond – GO HERE!

Frances Moore Lappé

“The film exceeds even my high hopes. [Taking Root] is much more than a moving tribute to Wangari Maathai, although it certainly is that. It captures the transformative potential of “regular people” finding their voices. It proves that courage is contagious. It directly contradicts the current negative, disempowering images of Africa. It is about the deep change I know is essential to save our planet and is possible because I’ve had the profound privilege of seeing it. Now I am overjoyed because through this film millions more can see what I see. It will inspire untold, endless acts of courage.”

Frances Moore Lappé
Author, Getting A Grip: Clarity, Creativity, and Courage in a World Gone Mad, and Democracy’s Edge: Choosing to Save our Country by Bringing Democracy to Life; Coauthor, Hope’s Edge: The Next Diet for a Small Planet, 2002.

Taking Root Film

a film by
Lisa Merton and Alan Dater

Marlboro Productions

Marlboro, Vermont
