The Vision of Wangari Maathai, a film by Lisa Merton and Alan Dater

FREE streaming for EARTH DAY and beyond – GO HERE!

Please share screening info:

If you have scheduled or would like to schedule a screening or event that features Taking Root, Wangari Maathai’s life, or the work of the Green Belt Movement, please send us your information ( so that we can share it with others who might be interested.


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Latest Past Events

International Women’s Day

Barrio La Riviera Pasto

Respira Paz Cauca, Nariño y Putumayo Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo - PNUD Nariño “Tome aire por la nariz, mantenga la respiración por cuatro segundos y luego exhale suavemente”. Estos segundos a veces pueden hacer la diferencia entre el diálogo y la confrontación, incluso entre la vida y la muerte.”      

The Amazonian International Frontier Film Festival

FIA-Cinefront FIA-CineFront, Maraba

For a reference to Taking Root, see paragraph 4 of the blog post by Felipe Milanez titled "A strange mirror in the Amazon frontier" from May 5, 2015.  

Taking Root Film

a film by
Lisa Merton and Alan Dater

Marlboro Productions

Marlboro, Vermont
